Verzicco Luca Maurizio
Product Manager at WSS Italia
Working with IT systems has always been my passion since i was a teenagers and I take pride in it. I have been working in this field for more than 20 years now. I constantly keep educating myself with all the upcoming advances that keep happening in this field since I have earned my degree. I am also aware of the fact that, every couple of months the computer technology keeps updating and so do I.
I change a lot of position into my computer career , start from support center and arrive to sales products and solution in cloud.
I really love to be in touch with customers and their issues, in order to satisfied them. I know what all it takes to make an organization successful and keep it running; I have a good confidence on my qualities. I love to work in team and to share my knowledge with all parts of the company.
After my experience as WW Teacher i understand the power of information sharing and help colleagues and partners to be align with our knowledge.
I love to make customer happy and satisfied with our solution and solve him all issues he present me.
Product Manager Software Solutions at WSS Italia srl
February 2016 - Present (4 months)
Innovative solutions in Information Technology
WSS Italia, Worldwide Software Solution Italia, provides innovative solutions in Information Technology. The mission of WSS Italia is to meet the specific needs of our Customers with precision, reliability and high expertise.
Founded in the 1999, the Company has grown over the years consolidating the goal of proposing exclusive softwares on the Italian Market.
The headquarter is located in Milan but WSS Italia has a lot of valid Business Partners all over the country.The team is composed by 25 professionals with over fifteen years of experience in the IT sector, starting from the Management.
There are 4 Business Unit each one focusing on a specific market segment.
-SMARTIng 24x7
Trader's QSL Technical Presales at Trader's - Quick Software Line
September 2014 - January 2016 (1 year 5 months)
QSL Italy was created in 2004 and is part of the QSL conceived by the company TRADER'S , the French developer of the software suite called " Quick Software Line ."QSL Italy offers software solutions for High Availability platform (Quick
'simple and
TRADER'S and the QSL group in the world are in this moment, the point of reference in computer systems for more than 2000 clients ..
Tech pre sales - Post Sales - IBM Collaboration Cloud Solutions at IBM Collaboration Solutions - SWG at IBM Italia SPA
January 2013 - September 2014 (1 year 9 months)
IBM Collaboration Software delivers On Premise and Cloud based business collaboration software and solutions. Empower people inside and outside your organization to connect, collaborate, and innovate. Create a smarter workforce. Deliver exceptional customer experiences. Transform your core business processes to become more competitive and drive real business results. Join our Social philosophy and change your company Business!!!
IBM B2B & B2C Commerce Tech Sales - SWG Group Italy at IBM Italia SPA January 2011 - January 2013 (2 years 1 month)
IBM with Sterling Commerce solution provides software for
"We now offer a complete CLOUD platform for
IBM Innovation Center for ISV/BP Manager at IBM Forum Segrate
January 2008 - January 2011 (3 years 1 month)
IBM Innovation Center is the heart of an ecosystem that has the impetus and stimulus to innovation directly in its DNA. Here they include all of the resources and capabilities that may allow business partners, ISVs, customers, universities, to approach quickly and easily IBM's technology and broaden their skills in
developing solutions and innovative applications. We are talking about the IBM Innovation Center, present at the headquarters of IBM Client Center in Milan, real physical representation of expertise and opportunities in the world of hardware, software and middleware from IBM (not just IBM) and its technical specialists .
A structure and an offering that is unmatched in the Italian market, and that allows even small businesses - but highly creative and innovative potential - to leverage a global network of forty such centers, all highly specialized and representative excellence in their respective fields, all available to help to develop new technologies, new solutions, new management processes. Opened in 2007, the IBM Innovation Center has developed in his hardware equipment and software and the quality of skills available - for free! - Customers and business partners.
IBM Smarter Workforce Technical Specialist - Support Center at IBM Italia SPA
September 2005 - May 2008 (2 years 9 months)
IBM Technical Support Center. My work in this Support Group is to follow the PMR (Problem Request) from Social suite environments. My focus was to follow all the integration between IBM Social software like IBM Connections, IBM Portal and Sametime with Cloud based solution called IBM DOCS.
IBM Customer Engineering - Communication & Networking at IBM
May 1996 - August 2002 (6 years 4 months)
This is the job introduced me into the real and complex world of communication and client server connections.
M job has been situated into IBM Support Center situated in downtown of Milano (Tolmezzo) and has been realted to follow all client problem about Iseries (AS400) Communication problem.
I've to answer to the technical request from customers and in case critical situation work directly with IBM Lab in Rochester in order to solve problem and bug of TCP/IP,Firewall,IP Filtering and HTTP Apache server,SMTP,Lotus Mail Domino server.
i've also work very closed with companies like Cisco and trenMicro to integrate ASA Hardware solution (VPN,Security) and Antivirus with mail server and firewalling rules of Iseries platform.
IT World Wide Certified Teacher at IBM Rochester Head Quarter
September 2000 - October 2001 (1 year 2 months)
IT World Wide Certified Teacher,
Assigned to the IBM's factory in Rochester, Minnesota , i develop and teach to the IBM specialist presentations and IT new concept introduced into the V5R1M0 OS/400 release.
My covered areas had been related to Communication and Performances of IBM Power System with the new release of operating system 400. i've worked with majior IBM Specialists and developers in order to help them to test betas version and to day by day creating documentation and at the end complete courses to put into IBM Library for customer and Domestic people.
For the last 6 mounts i've been in classroom to teach and discuss with ISV and IBM Specialists about new features.
Microsoft Customer Support Center for Windows 95/ NT Server at Microsoft Corporation
May 1995 - May 1996 (1 year 1 month)
My work in Microsoft Company was my first job and introduced me into a multinaional IT company. My job was relted to follow the installation problems of Windows 95 and NT 3.5.1 and help tech people to fix or to relate to development the logs and traces collected.
Worked very close related with Microsoft developers in Ireland and UK.
3M - IT Support for Settala Warehouse at 3M January 1993 - 1993 (less than a year)
IT Hardware and Software internal support for warehouse in Settala - Italy - 4 month special contract. This job introduced me into the company IT infrastructure and support.
Setup and build a new IBM Innovation Center Datacenter in Milano
November 2009 to December 2011
Members:Verzicco Luca Maurizio
Deutsche Bank Security
Members:Verzicco Luca Maurizio
Help IBM customer Deutsche Bank of Italy to be compliant with security and transfering of files. SSL and SSH implementation between iSeries , Unix, Windows and Z/OS platform.
Smarter Cities TagMyLagoon Venezia
January 2009 to Present
Members:Verzicco Luca Maurizio
Basta scattare una foto col cellulare a una serie di piastrelle contenenti il simbolo (o tag) di Tagmylagoon situate su lampioni, insegne turistiche o cestini per scaricare informazioni in italiano o in inglese sul luogo in cui ci si trova o su come raggiungere il punto di interesse più vicino. In questo modo si viene condotti alla scoperta di una parte della città meno nota, attraverso un percorso prestabilito guidati dal proprio telefonino e dalla rete
La parte visibile di TagmyLagoon è un’applicazione mobile, semplice ed ergonomica, che permette alla città di Venezia, oggi, e domani a tutte le città che intendono aderire a questa operazione, di valorizzare il proprio patrimonio storico e guidare i turisti attraverso la città.
Si basa su un’architettura semplice da usare, aperta, robusta e in evoluzione, che consente a chi possiede un cellulare di accedere a precise informazioni
La parte non visibile di TagMyLagoon si basa sulla piattaforma I’m Smart di IBM che permette di raccogliere informazioni direttamente dalla città. La piattaforma NemoBox di Neotilus, invece, ne garantisce la diffusione e l’adattamento ai diversi terminali mobili (iPhone, Androïd e, oggi, anche Java Phone).
Skills & Expertise
Cloud Computing
Microsoft Dynamics
Linux on Power
Quick EDD/HA - Alta affidabilità
Data Center Virtualization
Sterling Integrator
IBM Websphere Commerce
Data Center Management
High Availability
Enterprise Software
Solution Selling
Arceserve Unified Data Protection
AS400 Administration
Sterling Commerce
Solution Architecture
Lotus Domino
Business Process
WebSphere Application Server
Storage Area Networks
IT Strategy
Business Intelligence
Disaster Recovery
Enterprise Architecture
Data Center
IT Service Management
Storage Virtualization
Sales Enablement
WebSphere Portal
Cloud - SaaS
IBM iSeries
Client Presentation
VMware Infrastructure
VMware Certified Professional
I.T.S.O.S Marie Curie
Perito Informatico Elettronico Industriale, Industrial IT Technologies, Milan, 1987 - 1992
Sport : Basket
Instrument : Electric Guitar / Bass
Sport Basket , Volley, Rafting and Canyoning
Nature and sky water sport
Animal: Cat
March 2014 to April 2014 |
WW Teacher IBM Certification |
IBM Rochester MN |
November 2001 |
Volunteer Experience
Bove at Bovi di San Bovio
January 2013 - Present
In November 2008, after a dinner, sixteen citizens / male friends of the hamlet of San Bovio Peschiera Borromeo decided to form an association, totally
Community of San Bovio to accomplish this. Since November 2012 recognized and duly registered at the Municipal Association of the City of Peschiera Borromeo.
English |
(Professional working proficiency) |
Spanish |
(Professional working proficiency) |
Verzicco Luca Maurizio
Product Manager at WSS Italia
2 people have recommended Verzicco
"well, it is not difficult and actually a pleasure to Endorse Luca's Work in its capacity at Sterling Sommerce sw and before at the Italian Innovation center. Insight, committment, flexibility to understand H/W, S/W, F/ W and Networking complexity of a plethora of systems both Ibm and external vendors make him shine in its job as evangelist and principal technologist of the Innovation center. Its ability to understand real business partner need has halped Ibm exploit a lot of possibilities. THis technical sa vvy attitute is connected to a pleasent and trustful attitude, which make relation with him easy and productive. The IBM sw group who has offered him his current position has made a boon. They will be very happy with a similar addition to their stuff!"
—Marco Meli, was with another company when working with Verzicco at IBM Italia SPA
"Luca.... che dire una persona precisa, puntuale e dalla grande capacità organizzativa, un altissmo livello di
professionalità,ho fatto con lui una bellissima esperienza, in pochi giorni abbiamo riprodotto l'ambiente di un cliente per eseguire dei test di ben 16 server un cluster completo di Websphere, il tutto senza il minimo intoppo tecnologico, grazie al'alta professionalità di Luca, che ci ha preparato l'environmento dove far atterrare tutto questo. Grazie ancora Luca"
—Andrea Fontana, was with another company when working with Verzicco at IBM Forum Segrate
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